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God's Wonderful Story of Salvation
From Genesis to Exodus
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Overview of the Events of HIStory without Scripture (Short Version)
Listen to a simple overview of God's story. You will go from eternity to eternity. But within that time of eternity, you will be introduced to God's amazing creation, man's awful fall, Jesus' unbelievable redemption and our reaction to that unbelievable redemption: restoration.
Resumen de la HIStoria sin Pasajes BÃblicas (Version Corta)
La HIStoria o historia de Dios se compone de siete eventos. Estos eventos se presentan brevemente.
Overview of the Events of HIStory with Bible Passages (Long Version)
Listen to a simple overview of God's story. You will go from eternity to eternity. But within that time of eternity, you will be introduced to God's amazing creation, man's awful fall, Jesus' unbelievable redemption and our reaction to that unbelievable redemption: restoration.
Resumen de los Eventos de la HIStoria con Pasajes BÃblicos (Version Larga)
La HIStoria o historia de Dios se compone de por lo menos siete eventos importantes. Estos eventos se presentan brevemente con Pasajes BÃblicos..
Introduction to HIStory
"Hear His Voice"
Part 1 of the CFRR Series
Listen to a simple overview of God's story. You will go from eternity to eternity. But within that time of eternity, you will be introduced to God's amazing creation, man's awful fall, Jesus' unbelievable redemption and our reaction to that unbelievable redemption: restoration.
From Head to Toe
Part 2 of the CFRR Series
In part 1 of the CFRR series, we looked at the whole of God's story (HIStory) from eternity to eternity, but we particularly focused on CFRR or creation, fall, redemption and restoration. Now we will use our EYES to see how amazing, powerful, diverse, eye-opening and mysterious God's creation really is.
"The Lord of Heaven and Earth"
Part 3 of the CFRR Series
In part 2 of the CFRR series, we looked at the small things of life like dragonflies, hummingbirds and flowers. These small thing are so incredibly designed. In this part, we look at the big things of life - the universe that we live in. God is certainly a God of Wonders!
"The Beginning of Sin"
Part 4 of the CFRR Series
In part 2 and 3 of the CFRR series, we looked at how God created all things perfectly and beautifully. In this part, we look at the FALL. When did that fall occur? Listen to the story of the beginning of sin. In that very sad story, there is still GREAT hope. And that hope we find in Jesus Christ, the one who gives us VICTORY.!
"The Fall: Now and Then"
Part 5 of the CFRR Series
In part 2 and 3 of the CFRR series, we looked at how God created all things perfectly and beautifully. In part 4, we look at the beginning of sin also known as the fall. Now we look at sin over the course of history - what it looks like now and what it looked like during Bible times. Our conclusion, however, is the same - there is GREAT HOPE. Sin is not the victor - Jesus is.
"Death Turns to Life"
Part 6 of the CFRR Series
After looking at the effects of that original sin on those who came before us and on us in our current day, we look for hope. Where do we find that hope? This video replays Jesus' crucifixion. It is the cross that provides hope - our only hope. It is the cross that provides REDEMPTION.
"God's Holiness, Our Sinfulness"
Part 7 of the CFRR Series
How serious was the fall? Extremely serious. How serious is our sin? We often underestimate the serious of our sin and the absolute necessity of the cross. Too many of us look at the crucifixion as just a nice story - it's not. We must understand just how much it cost to see our sins nailed to the cross of Jesus.
"How NOW Should I Live?""
Part 8 of the CFRR Series
Because Jesus died on the cross for me, how NOW should I live? We must NOW joyfully and thankfully live for Jesus by working as servants, by seeking justice and my keeping the earth. We become part of the RESTORATION made possible through Jesus Christ.
"Creation Enjoyer"
Part 9 of the CFRR Series
Creation is Amazing. As Christians, we must enjoy the eternal power and divine nature in what is created. We MUST worship Him.
"Order Discoverer"
Part 10 of the CFRR Series
When we look at the brain and the red blood cells of the human boday, we realize that things did not just happen by chance. There is incredible order. In all things around us, we must discover God’s fingerprints in the intricate, purposeful design of what he has created.
"Do Not Harden Your Hearts"
Part 11 of the CFRR Series
The creation, fall, redemption and restoration leads everyone to a question: How will we respond to Jesus Christ? Will we harden our hearts or will we come to Him? Our response is a matter of life and death - eternal life or death.
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